Monday, February 21, 2011

Missing Teeth

Suddenly William's mouth has decided it's time for top teeth to just start falling out. They're dropping like flies!

Sadly his bottom teeth just won't budge. It's off to the dentist this week to have another 2 pulled out as the new ones are already up behind them.

Regardless of any toothy action in this snap, check out those eyes! Bloody beautiful!

Too Soon

I love school holidays. Not just because you don't have to 'rush' so much, but simply because I love hanging out with the kids. Sure there are times when they drive me insane, but overall, I really enjoy having them around.

This is the best photo I got on their first day of school for 2011. We were all tired after the big move and no-one wanted to be posed and snapped... and we couldn't work out the best place to take the photo either.

Not that it matters cause I love this photo of them.

The holidays went way too quick and I would have loved another week with them. Why do the holidays always end too soon?

Moving Out...

From signing contracts and paying deposits, it certainly didn't take long for the 28th of January to come and the trucks to roll around and move 12 years of living from Oakhurst to Hassall Grove.

No moving day is ever short of a drama, and ours was not an expection to the rule! It was a long, long, long day.

I did manage to get some photos of us moving out on the day, but I didn't get any of us moving in! It was just too hectic, too stressful and there was way too much going on.

Here's a few from Radford Place before we left... note Tour Guide Caitlin!

Finally I can say YES! We are moving today!
William was very excited by it all.

Sweet & Sassy Caitlin

Ta-da! The garage!

Nope, nothing left in here!

Packed up and clean as a whistle.
So many bathroom antics took place here.

No more using this toilet.
It's been scrubbed clean too!

Nothing left in this wardrobe...
except Caitlin of course!
Not a spare square of space in the front room.
Packed to capacity!

Thank you Radford Place for 12 unreal years x