Saturday, April 4, 2009

Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud!

It's been raining here for a few days, which has meant no outside action for the kids. Now, William has to have outside time everyday or he goes a bit stir crazy. He loves to be outside on the trampoline, kicking a ball, finding bugs and all that fun boy stuff.

On Thursday afternoon we had a break in the weather and William was begging to go on the trampoline. Even though it was muddy we said yes cause the poor kid hadn't been able to jump for days.

He soon discovered a mud puddle under the trampoline... I'll let the photos tell the rest of the story!

Russ even got his shirt off and joined in. What a laugh. Thank goodness I was on bar cause I had the camera. 100 photos later!
What a top way to spend an afternoon.

1 comment:

tara said...

Oh, how much fun!!! I wish we had mud.